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NPHA 2021 Annual Meeting: Gain from the Pain

  • Hornblower - City Cruises DC 580 Water Street Southwest Washington, DC, 20024 United States (map)

We need you to play an active role in NPHA’s 2021 annual meeting on July 26 and 27, 2021.  You can participate in person, meeting aboard one of Hornblower’s Washington, DC, fleet of vessels, or virtually.  We have great accommodations for you at the Hyatt House on Washington’s Wharf.  And we will be joined by key Interior and National Park Service leaders, allies from other tourism and recreation businesses and Hill representatives.  We will review the challenges of 2020 and 2021 and then turn our attention to the opportunities ahead. 

Our theme is … GAIN FROM THE PAIN

We worked through the gravest health hazard in a century and truly trying economic times.  Yet the pandemic has fostered closer relations and connections to each other and with the leaders of the National Park Service. It has unified us on our goals of:

  • Understanding park visitors of today and tomorrow, learning more about how they plan leisure choices such as time in parks, and how visitors and their expectations will change.  We know more – and need to know still more – about visitors to big, rural parks and park units in the hearts of our cities.  This understanding can help NPS, concessioners and others deliver great experiences – and reduce peak period demands on infrastructure and resources.

  • Understanding those who are inspired to work in national parks – whether for NPS, us or others, and how we together can attract, retain and support employees who are the vital link in deliver great visitor experiences.

  • Rating our collective facilities, services and amenities and developing strategies for building upon today’s successes to meet challenges and opportunities of the future.

  • Assessing how do we market our unique park experiences, recognizing that we cannot compete with the marketing budgets of many other leisure options ranging from Disney to cruise lines, five star resorts and centuries-old historic sites at international destinations.

Our 2021 annual meeting will offer an exciting venue to discuss these topics – and for you to listen, to learn and to share.  And we will plan actions on these topics which will incorporate key Biden Administration goals, our own priorities, exciting changes that are imminent to improve implementation of the 1998 concessions law and which capitalize of important combined resources of the 2020 Great America Outdoors Act, the marketplace successes of outdoor recreation and travel to outdoor sites and important new understanding of the health benefits of time outdoors with family and friends.

Register now - Hotel reservations must be made by July 12.

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NPHA 2020 Annual Meeting: Understanding Park Visitors of the 2020s

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